Saturday, August 10, 2013

A Little Motivation

London, during the Blitz.  1941

For all the down days, rough days, rainy days, and bad days -- just remember it could always be worse. 

I am continually amazed at the amount of life my grandparents or great-grandparents had endured by the time they were my age.  Or the countless millions of other faces in the world who grew up before they reached adulthood.

Before social media, television, microwave dinners, drive-throughs, virtual realities, online dating, and phones this was life.  Working hard in the field or factory.  Surviving crisis after crisis.   Waiting for hand-written letters to arrive by mail...and sometimes they came too late for their information to be useful.  Planting, growing, weeding, harvesting, milling, sifting, and finally baking, your own bread.    

If they could do it, with less amenities, less money, less of a "social presence" or "online voice", and only a handful of few close friends or family... can't we?  

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose."

-Romans 8:28

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