Thursday, August 1, 2013

Loving :: Street Style

Street Style - (n).  any offbeat or avant-garde fashion inspired by contemporary culture of urban street people.

Over the last several years fashion blogs have exploded in popularity, and made possible the lighting-quick exchange of ideas, commentaries, photos, and styling tips by millions of people around the world.  And due to this amazing ability to share, like or dislike, and regurgitate ideas within minutes, many savvy and witty fashion photographers and bloggers have become increasingly popular for creativity and flair.  And within the fashion world, some of these have made a name for themselves based on their street style.  

There are too many street style stars for me to name them all, and like with all great dressers, I'm of the opinion that some of these stars secretly have a stylist or two on stand-by, and that they aren't just magically producing amazing looks all by themselves, day after day after day.

I personally like when street style stars push the envelope a bit.  I don't get particularly blown away by someone mixing polka-dots and stripes (although I'm sure there are some great examples of this out there), or by someone just buying borrowing the latest clothing samples from their PR friends and throwing it together to look like they just walked off the runway.  

No... to catch my attention, any particular street style needs to be a perfect blend of unique, modern + classic, and edgy + feminine.  And it doesn't hurt if there is some artistic element or story displayed as well.  That said, among the few street style stars whose looks I consistently like is Russian billionairess and budding Haute Couture designer Ulyana Sergeenko.

Ulyana Sergeenko's SS'13 Haute Couture line

 It's true her looks are more feminine glam than punk or street rocker, and I will agree that on some level that just indicates my own personal tastes.  But she manages to always tell a story with her outfits ... and that is something that most people just can't do (whether they have the money to dress nicely or not).  

And, she is one of the few people I know who can routinely get away with wearing an apron over their clothes in this century.  That's impressive.


Part of the reason that I like her style is because it seems to perfectly blend the "go big or go home" mentality with simple restraint.  Even though it is certainly not mass-market accepted day-wear, the full-on Stella McCartney pajama set is more appropriate than some things other aspiring fashion-setters have worn.

... plus, in an alternate reality I would probably own some of the pretty dresses, fur coats, and feathered capes that she has.  I mean, why not rock it if you can? 



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